Wednesday, November 24, 2010

random tv watching

watching NCIS and is addicting to watch lol. I'm so brain dead with all this Holiday shit and sens i have no writing in a will i that i try and rite about siting and waiting to go out to night with my BF family.WOW! the car in the TV show on NCIS POPPED in to life and all mossed killed the chick with the black hair .there this creepy dude that's an ass hole and i think hes a bad guy in the TV show but how nose?hes got this reel bad ascent to witch is a lol annoying.and now to Marshal...............and we are back.the hum-v is loose in the her big spiky nickles by the way.i wish i could tip that fast.every one has tattoos on hear i need a nether one STAT.this hum-v stooped in the woods that be crazy if the hum-v killed every one some how?ooww dude just punched annoying dude in the face the one with the bad accent HA.Way do White cotes make people look smart ? ooww hard weirds "smug" was used. every one in the office looks so calm and cosy hhhuumm. ooww some sex's is going on and the guy is warring a crazy person wrist band lol so cut cuss the chick shes banging pot it there cuss she like him ooww so sweet. and now a nether episode ? do i want to watch a nether on ? no i don't think so.lets see what alas is on shall we. oooooww ghost hunters in what it looks like a all rock casual. looks like theres Ben murder and swashed,glowing lites and some one yelling and chasing them out  spooky spooky. lites out!!! lets watch........OK there is suction in the house that makes the doors open and close.  ooww he hears singing and a chick heard a girl some cool sy-fi stuff going on walling foot steps and singing .ok so i got to go now lol hope you injoyed my randum tv watching.

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