Wednesday, November 17, 2010


my fingers hover over my computer key bored as i try to find the words. The words of haw to explain about a man i barley new. A man i cant rely talk about because of the laws at my work. But i feel i need to. I feel i need to talk about him and the experience i have had.The pain In my heart we all had that day as we ether sat there helplessly or wear siting over him doing compressions yelling his name asking if he wanted aware help or just to try to save him or not. The way this day happened i feel was a natural disaster as it went from hectic to progressively wears. As the blaring lowed Noyes signified that something was terribly rang.Every foot step running and aware hearts jumping just as fast to come upon what no person should have to see. As the people i work with started poshing there natural thoughts out of there heads and began doing what they wear trained to do.They worked trying everything they could the tension went on. Yelling out orders trying to find whatever these people needed as fast as we could run or think. Will i stand there hopelessly watching my help is needed to a norther person. For a moment i did not even now i was walking.for a moment every thing was normal,i was calm.As I'm speaking to the person i forget what is going on out side i posh all of it out and i site there smiling telling her everything is ok.Wen i get back they are trying something new as it gets quieter the tension drops slowly from the room as we all relies haw long its Ben.I look in the room at the peoples faces .It was something no one had to say. they had tyred everything they could and no response,but stile we hoped.In till i heard the words "we have to call it". Then silents as one voice was herd and nothing no talking no laughing just calm.the time of passing was sad. What do you do with all that Adrenalin now? All that hope? Ware are your feelings supposed to land after such a dramatic shock? no are numb for the first few moments i am told by some. God even nose if the people that do this stuff every day even have Any Emerson left?As the last women steps out it kills me as every emotion rips across her face.So badly i wanted to walk up and hug her and tel her you did everything you could its not your fault. But steeped back as i new she needed her space as every one dues after these things.I watched her holed in the tears and walk off the floor.ask i stood there it hit me this man was Gan i was never going to hear his voice again and hear him ask for my help or anyone Else's.i did not no what to do but do what i do wen i get upset was clean.So i took in a breath steeped in the room and looked at the floor of what looked like a tornado riped threw it like a bat out of hell.And started cleaning.As i was some one said my name near the corps and i snapped my head up as my eyes landed rite on him and all i could do was stare and walk forward. There was no crying,no freaking out and running out of the room.I wandered Wy?And it hit me haw Meany deceased people i have seen and felt weirdly i walked over and looked at what he looked like now. I could not believe all the different colors in his skin and took in the remands of what had happened and what had gan on.After the floor calmed dawn i had asked what had happened? What cased this pore man to passe in such a harebell way? The response i got was "something in side him exploded he had bleed to death".This was a shock cuss that was something you read about in medical book or hear about it in movies but no one gets to see it or experience this in real life and its a way no person should ever have to go.Every time something like this happens it is stored in my mind to remember the person the way they wear,the way they have touched me with such a blessing of knowing them and being in there lives for just a little will i feel i rite this in the memories or him and all of them i will come across in my life.
this was a memorise speech i guess you can call it.R.I.P ALWAYS ME

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