Sunday, April 1, 2012

night shift

So......ware to start after i think a hole year of not blogging? I guess like nothing has ever changed just jump right on the crazy train rite?....rite. Today i worked a normal human being work shift in stead of the 8hr. night shifts for five days straight with crazy Nana's & papa's pushing the call lights & staying up all night parting it up & driving me crazy. Now i no there are some people out there that normally work night & kick big time ass at time. But me welllll haw do i put this? Its like a love / hate relation ship in a way. See folks i work at a hospital & because of this its like that one sexy,crazy ex-boyfriend you had that you had to brake up with because it was sooo not good for your health to be with that crazy guy. But it took you forever to leave him. Well that's ware i am and night shift are just that. I love it because it usually quiet & not crazy BUT i hate it because they give use more work then we can handle some time & at five am in the morning is just not OK. some times i wish i was that stretchy guy on fantastic five for me joy it would get so much stuff dun. OW & for get being calm wean 4am hits your running around as quick as your two lags will make you go & trying not to look like a dear in headlights wile talking to your self while drawing as much blood & doing as many EKG's as passable (NO THIS IS NOT SEXY). I rely think there should be a contest some day to see haw much of a art we could make blood drawing? Like haw quick & haw much skill they will have + haw you are with the Passion & if or if not you leave a bruise. yes this is what i think of at 3am in the morning every time i work a night shift. And why you ask am i rambling on about work? well because some times wen there is something bothering you people tell you to right it down or talk about it & i thought this would be kind of funny. So there you have it folks my little ramble on night shift & haw it makes me want to just puke. For my first blog back this one probably licks socks BUT ow well maybe next time it will be better.
so to no one from me there you are.


  1. Nothing has changed except you're engaged!!!! :)

  2. HA!YYYAAA! that to forgot to blog about that.
