Thursday, February 3, 2011

Forth day of the wired spinning ride that dramatically terned in to a fever half way threw work last night which i could say was CRAZY FUN ! But no it was awful no fun any weir to be found and hoping my dumb ass did not get any one ells sick but i guess that's what the evil money game Duse to you WORK WORK WORK till you drop sort of speak ? As i type I'm watching house which is making me feel like a wimp because these poor people are dieing from some weird mind boggling stuff and iv just got a cowmen cold and wining about it BLA! But then these people are just actress which after there Sean they get to party or even just go home and feel fine will then i am hear dramatically dieing hear people! Will coughing my brains out,throwing up and sinning iv fond the best stuff for not coughing a lot and NOO ITS NO COUGH DROPS its skittles and why i say skittles and not cough drops IISS that i don't have a cough I have post nasal drip which is basically from haw i get it is that all your facile fluids don't run rite in your face because all of your facile gland are inflamed and there for drip down your throat which is very annoying which makes you cough and i like skittles just because i find they work beater then cough drops and i had a norther reason BUT the Tylenol i took is Waring off and iv ran a big blank SO take that HHHHHIIIYYYAAA!! Ow and CHEEZ-IT :) yum! yum! yum! i love cheez-it and i love haw wen i don't feel good i can stile eat cheez-it because wean you are pucking every one says just nibble on some crackers and gingerly well cheez-its are like crackers & good with ginger ale as i see it and with ginger ale = a happy sick women + skittles two =very happy women. I'm laughing at my self because what 24 year old women gets happy over skittles,cheez-its & ginger ale or maybe its like a big secret all women get happy over hhuuummm? Well its making me feel beater and rite now ill take it . So for those how are fighting evil colds this evil winter i tel you cheez-its,skittles &ginger ale.

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