Friday, December 10, 2010

got to love margareta's

so as you all no i was a little bummed out the other night about my birthday that is coming up and last night i was as Annice as an ant. SO i Thoth of the one grate person in my life that can all was make me laugh no mater ware,wean or haw she just douse. its my cuss Ginny the one person how i no will be there wean I'm in the shittier and cant Lev me if she want to Lev me in the shittier because we are related blood and shes stuck with my dumb ass till the end. (EVIL LAUGH) HA! HA!  HA! HA! YOU ARE CUSSEN STUCK! so Any way we meat up last night and went to Margareta's for dinner and drank lovely Margareta's to go with it all and i had a rely fun time + wen your with Ginny it Duse not take much to have fun with her its just how she is :). i had these rely good soft pork tacos yummy and Ginny had her normall Minny chimes and we just talked about life past life and present and all in the between. i  rely needed a night like that and was happy it was with her and that i share the pitcher i took of her last night will enjoying a song in Margareta's. 
                                                       you got to love it i do :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

food god and hwo nose???

dear bloggers,
ware to being on the last two months? i feel i should apologies for not writing or even apologize to no one even reading this blog.but it is hard for me to be my self i guess around these two months i get weird. my birthday is coming up and i am going to be terming 24 EK! i no the BIG 24 well around my birthday i feel iv got to be one of those extreme all metal body solggers getting reedy for this crazy as bade of war and for two months iv Ben waiting for it and waiting,and waiting, and BAM just got a little hit byyyy the lovely weird think i have with THE FATHER MAN! iv never Ben close with my dad at all beater yet probably the classed thing iv ever gotten from him was a hug.  now he's trying to be in my life with weird little visits and things and is trying to come down for my birthday this i see as a trap a sabotage and I'm not rely shore haw much armor i should ware or take off? so it has thrown me off completely and fell i cant site stile or even rite a blog so iv Ben working more getting out of my house more SHIT you say your going some ware i try and joy or i tried to go to work with my BF the utter day. waiting for the call or random show up at my pals + bringing the step lady of girlfriend / wife and i no what your saying well you should be happy for  just a dad a dad whose in this world. WELL NO I'M NOT GRATEFUL !  and i would give you the hole annoying resin Way but its like 1000,0000.00 weird and unpleasant stores that I'm not going to pot on this  SO THERE! and that's Way iv not written in 2 months. because i don't no what to do with my own  tauts. also all most every one in my life has NO idea about my birthday wen it is or haw old i will be. iv achely found my self almost begging a person i no to come out with me haw said is that? i mean come on rite? don't you think the 2 people that pot you in this world should no wean you wear born or haw old you will be? well no because one had no Fing clue haw old i was and the other one had no idea wen i was born I'm feeling sssoo thrilled about this day that is coming up that i just want to hide under the cavers and hide like its just a day off and I'm sick or something. maybe I'm taking it to seriously? but i love celebrating my birthday its my own Fing holiday for fuck sake Way would i not want to celebrate that and all i ask is for family and friends to want to joy in. i mean there with be food and alcohol and all sorts of people. i guess I'm just the dumb ass how thot that = a good time? guess not so i have decided that if no one shows up i will do the fallowing.
1.get dressed up in everything and anything glitter.
2.will by a lot of alcohol for after every thing.
3. will only have shots of whatever the bartender wants to make me.
4. WILL hit up every bar in Waltham twice.
5.will then dance to music in my head.
6.will make new friends that will prabely be the bums on the street and bribe them with licer.
7.will go back home with out heals on sing happy birthday to self. all the cake.
9.will throw up the cake.
10. drink more with new bum friends

so please food god if you love me eating food please don't let me make bum friends and make a ass in front of people i don't no. i only ask for one good day night and that is my birthday.PLEASEEEEE. else i shall cut off all the yummy foods in my life and will only eat lettuce and nothing more not even soda (yes food god this is a threat ) (not shore if it will work?) so make your move food god ill be waiting.
well in till next time.have a grate night big web world


so I'm a fan of rock&roll  yes i like other music as well but i lllooovvvee rock music i was razed on it. its in my blood  and I'm a fan of the band soulfully witch was a nether band at first sepulture . so enemy  i went to see them the utter  night at the showcase live next to the pats stadium witch was cool. meat up with 2 of my friends Alan and Emily who kick ass . so Sean's this band is kind of a under ground rock band stile the place had just enough people there ware we got to stand rite up front and rock out. they ware assume they played there old stuff with just enough new music and did a little Nevada tribute a well. so long story short i ended up sleeping on my couch and have not left it all day with a rely sore neck lower back,ass and thighs I am a happy human + happy about haw high i was jumping up and down very proud that i can stile move a lil like a  12 year old. the people there ware not ass hole witch was another + and wear actually rocking out and singing with me witch was rely cool and will always remember it.