Thursday, October 28, 2010

bored conspircy thoughts

So Lady's and gentlemen I Alexis have registered to vote!......yes vote i seed. Never ever have i ever that I would register? its mind boggling to me, for what reason I'm not rely shore yet?everyone on TV, radio, teachers ,Friends & family wear all saying "you make a stand wen you vote" or "you have a voice wean you vote" and so on and so forth. now I'm not against voting and the hole "shebang"or nothing. I'v just never lets say "be told the rules"of  the voting world so i would listen & watch and i heard nothing i liked, just a bunch of stuck up people how have never struggled or bled or begged or Ben on there last braking point. And i feel like GOD DAM IT! i have Ben there! So yes i felt like by making a "STAND" a "POINT" it was by saying nothing,zip,.........i felt you don't have to have a voice to make a stand in what you think is right. for instance i took this sing language class and the teacher told use about a college for the deaf and well these students felt cheated in haw they wear being treated they trying sinning to tel there teachers and the big dogs but every one brushed them off,so what did they do they sat for weeks on the school property. not going to class and not moving for the police. by just siting there they made the news and people joined in if i remember correctly but long storey short it worked the big dogs folded and made a agreement with the students. so i guess ware I'm going with this is if we all rely wanted a Chang we would be silent and the world would follow and would have to Chang the way we the people wanted it to be.  yes i no there are way to many party's and it would probably not go the way it should because every one dose not think the same and See's the world different then i do. but you got to think if big parts of the world could be silent and not vote what would happen??? 
~so this is what happens wen i bored and trying to think of something cool in my life to rite about HA!HA! HA!......ugh! so i guess you cane say this is my first conspiracy blog and in a way I'm proud of it :) I'm not one for writing , spelling and sharing my views unless i have a lot of liqueur in me HA! so hear take this blog and help me out with the voting thing cause i stile don't no witch lieing person to vote for. so quote very big Internet world if you feel.thank you and good night.

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