Thursday, November 11, 2010


So Iv started watching "the walking dead" on AMC witch I am very excited about maybe a little to much because it was originally a comic book ( witch is so cool) witch I remember a friend of mine reading at one of the meany schools I was can't tell me making a comic book to a kick ass tv show not cool RITH! That's what I'm saying :-).so the first tv show premier was on Halloween witch was the best time I that to air it.  The second was this passing  Sunday and it was good as well and am now waiting for the 3rd show witch again is this Sunday and I'm SO MADE cuss I will be working a 7p-7a witch is one big old BLA!maybe I can ask my boss to see if the hospital will get AMC so I can watch it on my brake??? But that question mite be fallowed by a psych evaluate-shin and I mite get to mutch of a kick out of that and a kick in the head by family and friends SO let's not do that. (p.s. Just kidding promise I'm a little sane)and also the make-up and special affects are so cool and would love to Learn haw to do all of that SO COOL!so no about my conspiracy theory about zombies and haw I am 100% shore if the weird out brake of the living dead start it will start hear at this hospital on this floor and I would be working like always and try and draw the living deads blood and FUG NUGGETS I BE THE LUCKY ONE TO GET BIT!!!!! >:-/ not happy about this threy but i no it will be so I will read as meany "haw to survive the world of zombies 1,2 &3" and cross my fingers. I hope you all do the same.(HA! I'm Fing crazy I no) but I have fun some times thinking about all this stuff and have tolled all of the staff member I work with about my theory  WITCH was not probely the best idea Iv dun cuss some people just have no sense of hummer and thing I'm nuts ones again.


  1. Actually, "The Walking Dead" is a graphic novel, which is longer and bound differently than a comic and sold in different stores and HOLY CRAP I am a loser. Anyway, I have all "TWD" eps DVR'd so I'll see them when I get back to Hell-A.

    BTW I totally plugged you on my blog the other day. You should read it.

    I love you.

    <3 Nugs

  2. ow cool i swear it was a comic ow well and yes i read your blog it was cute dont get the - in the middle of my name though but i guess whatever makes you happy cind of makes my name look like im a rely cool dj so thanks for that and thank you for the compliments as well.
